Oct 6, 2010

A good rain knows when to fall...

Via Dear8lue's blog:
a good rain knows... or if this is my lie...
None of this is real, if it makes you feel any better. This tale was in no way true, but based on just a fiction... aren't they all? I was not here, nor there, and I have never really been anywhere before... Life has a way of underwhelming you that way... These have been nothing more than a collection of blurred photographs and borrowed words, for lack of my own. About everything we've forgotten to remember or cannot help but forget... But one should never trust the story-teller - only trust the story... For we all wear masks, and we all have tales... and we all must remain on this journey, still searching for a destination... But a good rain knows when to fall... all good things must come to an end, and all truths must be revealed, in time... For the first time in a long time, I can honestly say I have no regrets... for along the way, I discovered a world I knew nothing about... and it's a fabulous world after all...

I have heard it said that we are all, in reality, artists and liars. And that when we lie, we are in some ways revealing more of ourselves than we care to realise. For in those lies, we must create an entire world of our own devising. A world that in turn becomes wholey real in the telling. Wherein rest truths that we sometimes fail to recognise or do not wish to admit to ourselves...
Tell me your lie and I will tell you who you are...
If this is my lie, then who, in fact, am I...?

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